Robin Class
Welcome to Robin Class!
We are the wonderful Year 3 & 4. We love learning and finding out new things.
Our teacher is Miss Crook (Mrs Richards on a Thursday). Our teaching assistants are Mrs Watson and Mrs Webb.

Author of the Term: Katie & Kevin Tsang

The Whole Class Reading Book: ‘The Wild Way Home’ by Sophie Kirtley

Artist of the Term: Eric Carle
Here is the curriculum map for this year. We are following Map B this year (2024 2025).
Maths Home Learning
Here are the Maths Home Learning sheets for each term (most recent at the top).
Year 3 Spring Term 3 Maths Home Learning Sheet
Year 4 Spring Term 3 Maths Home Learning
Year 3 Autumn Term 2 Maths Home Learning Sheet
Year 4 Autumn Term 2 Maths Home Learning
Year 3 Autumn Term 1 Maths Home Learning
Year 4 Autumn Term 1 Maths Home Learning
Term 2 Gallery
As part of our learning about Remembrance we visited St Lawrence Church to see the war memorial, plaque for the Stratford Nine and look at the war graves.
Back at school, we designed a war memorial for the Stratford Nine using K’nex.

Folk Concert
Two members from the Wiltshire Music hub came and performed some folk music for us!
Ten Pieces
We joined in with schools around the country with the ‘Life Off’ BBC Ten Pieces concert. We listened to different pieces of music linked to space. We joined in with some dancing too!

Keltbray & SSEN
Charlie, Etienne and Muhammad from Keltbray & SSEN visited Robin Class for a session based on electricity. Herbie won an award for his drawing of an engineer and won the school a wildlife camera!

Term 1 Gallery
The Cobbler and The Dragon
We worked in small groups to create freeze frames of the different points in the story ‘The Cobbler and the Dragon’. Throughout the story, we paused and thought about the characters’ thoughts and feelings.

Roman Soldier!
We have been learning about what life was like for a Roman solider. We had fun looking at the armour!

In science, we have been learning about light. We investigated what happened to the size of shadows, reflective materials and how mirrors work. Also, we learnt about the work of James Clerk Maxwell.

Negative Numbers
In Maths we learnt about negative numbers. We played a game practising counting into negative numbers.

Our Faces
In art, we have been improving our drawing skills to draw our portraits. We created our own version in the style of Julian Opie. We have learnt how to use clay to create a sculpture of our head too!