Attendance Record

2023 - 2024

Full Governing Body Meetings

Miss Angela Britten 7/9

Mrs Emma Cash 5/5*

Mrs Nicola Clare 5/9

Miss Hannah Crook 6/9

Mr Richard Johnson 5/5* 

Mr Andy Mintram 8/9

Mrs Carole Long 9/9

Mr Andrew Mintram 8/9

Mr Rhodri Morrison 9/9

Rev. Joseph Stone 3/5*

Mr Lloyd Turner 7/9

Mrs Justine Watkins 9/9

* Rev Joe Stone, Mrs Emma Cash and Mr Richard Johnson joined the Governing Body in January 2024

Governor Training Meeting

Miss Angela Britten 1/1

Mrs Emma Cash 1/1

Mrs Nicola Clare 1/1

Miss Hannah Crook 1/1

Mr Richard Johnson 1/1 

Mr Andy Mintram 1/1

Mrs Carole Long 1/1

Mr Andrew Mintram 1/1

Mr Rhodri Morrison 1/1

Rev. Joseph Stone 1/1

Mr Lloyd Turner 1/1

Mrs Justine Watkins 1/1

2022 - 2023

Governor Name Full Governing Body Meetings Curriculum & Standards Meetings Finance Meetings Premises Meetings
Miss Angela Britten (Chair of Governors) 6/6    6/6  5/5
Mrs Kay Bridson (Headteacher)
(*resigned December 2022)


 2/2  2/2  2/2
Mrs Justine Watkins
3/3  3/3  4/4  3/3
Miss Hannah Crook 6/6  5/5  3/3  
Mrs Nicola Clare 6/6    6/6  
Rev Sarah Wood-Roe  5/6  3/5    
Mrs Penelope Larcombe
(* resigned December 2022)
2/3      2/2
Mrs Carole Long 5/6  2/5    
Mr David Mills 5/6    4/6  3/5
Mr Lloyd Turner 4/6  3/5    5/5
Mr Rhodri Morrison 5/6  4/4  3/6  5/5
Mrs Clare Connett 2/6  0/5    
 Mr Andy Mintram
(* joined January 2023)