
Intent: Computing has become an integral part of modern-day life and pupils need to be equipped with basic computing skills which will be essential as they enter their future lives. We aim to provide pupils with an understanding of how and why these skills are valuable by using computing to express, create and develop their own ideas. It is essential that the principles of how digital systems work through coding enables pupils to develop the way in which they create, store and share content. Computing promotes the use of technology as a communication tool; a way to research, explore and investigate. We aim for pupils to develop their E-Safety/online skills through an understanding of how the online community works and how they can contribute positively to it, to be a global citizen in the digital world.

At Stratford-sub-Castle CE Primary School we follow the Teach Computing scheme of work. The concepts for Computing are:


Implementation: Learning is embedded through the development of knowledge and skills over time and through overlapping concepts.  Units of work are ‘blocked’ to allow for continuity of learning and to encourage pupils to become immersed in their studies.  Links are made to other subjects, especially Science, Maths and Geography where relevant and appropriate. Computing is used as a communication tool to enhance pupils’ literacy and presentation skills.  Teachers also ensure that the strands which run through the entire curriculum at Stratford-sub-Castle CE Primary School are woven through lessons, where appropriate.

Progression is mapped coherently through the Curriculum Map and rolling programmes.  The progression allows for effective planning, marking and feedback.  Pupils have access to a range of different hardware and software which allows them to develop and consolidate their skills throughout their time at Stratford-sub-Castle Primary School. E-Safety/Online Safety is a strand that runs through every aspect of the Computing curriculum, ensuring pupils have a secure understanding of how to keep themselves safe online, including using social media and sharing private content when outside of school.


  • Pupil Voice: Pupils show engagement and enjoyment their computing learning so that are able to use these skills are valuable by using computing to express, create and develop their own ideas.  Pupils to apply their E-Safety/online skills so that they can contribute positively to it, to be a global citizen in the digital world.
  • Evidence in Knowledge: Pupils show an understanding on how computers and internet impacts on their lives.  
  • Evidence in Skills: Pupils demonstrate a range of skills such as word-processing, using spreadsheets, coding in a range of situations.  Pupils can use some of the acquired language appropriately.
  • Breadth and Depth: Teachers plan a range of opportunities for pupils to learn computing and link to other areas of the curriculum. 



SSC Computing Curriculum Long Term Overview

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Date added: 03-09-2023
Date modified: 03-09-2023

SSC Computing Concepts

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Date added: 03-09-2023
Date modified: 03-09-2023