Robin Class

Jungle Drama!

Welcome to Robin Class!  

We are the wonderful Year 3 & 4.  We love learning and finding out new things.

Our teacher is Miss Crook (Mrs Richards on a Thursday).  Our teaching assistants are Mrs Watson and Mrs Webb.

Author of the Term: Cressida Cowell

Whole Class Reading Book: The Magic Place by Chris Wormell

Art of the Term: Textiles

Here is the curriculum map for this year.  We are following Map A this year (2023 2024).


Maths Home Learning Bookets

Here are the planet booklets for Robin Class.  Please initial/sign and date in the ‘Home’ column if your child shows they know the maths fact at home.

Y3 Maths Facts Booklet 2023


Y4 Maths Facts Booklet 2023


Term 5 2024

Mobius Maths Morning

We had some teachers come to visit us during our fraction lesson!


In science, we have been learning about rocks.  We used the magnifying glasses to look closely at the rocks then we drew them.

Term 4 2024

World Book Day

For World Book Day, we took part in a drama workshop with Wiltshire Creative based on the book ‘An Interview with a Kangaroo’ and read Miss Crook’s special books from around the world!

Term 3 2024


This term as part of our art learning we have learnt about tessellation and created our own patterns.

Term 2 2023

Christmas Crafts

We learnt how to create a 3D Christmas card and improved our cutting skills to create angels.

K’Nex Pulley Mechanisms

In DT this term we have learnt about pulley mechanisms.  We have designed and created our own pulley mechanism using K’nex based on the design brief – to transport a food basket from a house to a lighthouse.

Stonehenge Trip!

In History we are learning about how Stonehenge has changed over time.  As part of our learnig, we visited Stonehenge to find out some more!

Term 1 2023

Jungle Drama!

We are reading a story called ‘Jungle Log’ where someone goes for an adventure in the jungle!  Here are some freeze frames of the story!

Old Sarum Geography Field trip

We walked to the top of Old Sarum and drew sketches of Salisbury.