School Meals and Snacks
School Meals
Please pay for meals on a weekly or on a daily basis via ParentPay. They are available at the current price of £3.00 per day. Changes in price are notified in a newsletter. Children are entitled to Free School Meals in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.
School meals are cooked on the premises and a menu is posted in the noticeboard at the front of school, as well as in the hall next to the serving hatch.
School Snacks and Drinks
All Foundation and Key Stage 1 children receive a free piece of fruit or vegetable during the morning. All children may also bring one snack item to eat at break, and we encourage healthy snacks. Please note that sweets are not permitted.
** Please ensure snacks and packed lunches do not contain nuts **
We encourage children to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day – it keeps the brain hydrated! Pupils are welcome to bring a water bottle to school with them, and may keep this on their desk or take it with them to P.E. Please supply your child with a named water bottle, with a sport’s cap. These are invaluable. Only water is permitted in classrooms, as spillages are wet but not sticky!
Milk is also available through the “Cool Milk Scheme” ( to all children. On completion of an application form, your child will be given free milk if they are under 5 years old. These are available from the school office.