The Bridge Chaplain for Stratford School!

My name is Katie Ollivierre and I am delighted to be joining the team at Stratford-sub-Castle school as your Bridge Chaplain. This means I’m here to love and support the whole school community, and as we get to know each other, it will become clearer how I can best do that. I will be in school every Wednesday.
Some of you might already recognise me from my previous job as Families and Children’s Lead at St Francis. I have also been part of the Stratford family for a long time, as all 3 of my children came here, Seb, Sophie and Nell. I have also volunteered here for many years with after school clubs, prayer space and the amazing job of listening to Butterfly Class read.
I work for The Bridge Youth Project who are a Christian charity involved with many schools in the Salisbury area. We want to share Faith, Hope and Love wherever we go. Our role as Chaplain is to help support the social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of each school. To build relationships and to love the children for who they are, encouraging and building them up.
My prayer is that every person involved with this school can see themselves as the unique, worthy, wonderful human being they are. To know that they are valued and loved, and to show them that they each have something to offer their community and the wider world.
I’m looking forward to meeting and getting to know everyone, so please come and say hello to me. I’ll try and be at the school gate every Tuesday – and will definitely remember my umbrella!