Emergency Information
School Contact Information:
- Postal: Stratford-sub-Castle CE Primary School, Stratford-sub-Castle, SALISBURY, Wiltshire SP1 3LL
- Telephone: 01722 327227
- Email: admin@stratford-sub-castle.wilts.sch.uk
Emergency telephone number for Early Birds & Night Owls: 07432845958
Snow Procedures:
If we experience significant snowfall, we will send out a text and put information on the school web-site..
We only send a message to say we are closed not to say we are open!
We will endeavour to make a decision as early as possible because we have so many staff members who have long distances to travel and you need to make arrangements too! Please do bear in mind, that we will do our utmost to keep the school open during the winter but a school without teachers is not much good and we also need to be able to feed most of the school! The other major factor is that we do not have a caretaker, so the snow clearing has to be done by teaching staff and willing volunteers. This also relies on staff being able to get to school!
If it snows heavily during the school day we will stay open until the end of the school day.
Critical Incident Management Plan
Why do we need a Critical Incident Management Plan?
Handling crises and dealing with difficult ‘incidents’ on a daily basis is viewed by some as a normal aspect of school life. However, there are occasions when schools will experience incidents of a significantly more extreme nature. What seems to distinguish these incidents is their nature and scale, and it is this type of occurrence, which has come to be termed a ‘critical incident’.
What is a critical incident?
Although the concept of a critical incident is difficult to precisely define we regard it to be an
‘unexpected occurrence, which may suddenly have a major impact on school’.
It is also important to note that this approach, which views critical incidents as situations or crises that are beyond the everyday experiences of school life, contains an implied understanding that these incidents would be markedly distressing to a significant number of adults and children.