Stratford sub Castle OFSTED Report March 2024
Stratford-sub-Castle CE VC Primary School was inspected by Ofsted on 5th and 6th of March 2024. I am delighted to say that Stratford has been graded as a “good school” and we have been graded as consistently Good in all five categories – Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development, Leadership and Management and Early Years Provision. We are particularly pleased with this result because the Ofsted Grading Criteria was made significantly tougher from September 2019 onwards and the school received a Section 5 Graded Inspection which is much more rigorous than the short Section 8 Inspection we had in November 2022
I am very proud of the children who were great adverts for us over the two days. I would like to thank the entire staff and the Governors for their hard work and dedication to the school, our pupils and their families. We are very lucky to have such a talented team of teachers and TAs who ensure that all pupils thrive at Stratford. I would also like to thank the FOSS and all our volunteers who give up their time to provide extra opportunities and experiences for all our pupils. Finally, thank you to all our parents, especially those who completed the Parent View questionnaire and sent e-mails during the inspection. It means so much to have your support and know we are all working together as a team. I am proud to say 100% of our parents would recommend our school to others.
“Go Team Stratford!”
Justine Watkins (Head Teacher)