Modern Foreign Languages

Intent: Learning a foreign language is a way to open up our pupils’ understanding of the world and allows pupils to develop their curiosity. We focus on French as its primary modern foreign language. In addition to this, there are opportunities as a school to celebrate the growing diversity of our pupils and the languages they speak.

Our intention is for children to develop an interest in learning other languages and embrace other cultures. The introduction of another language in an enjoyable and stimulating way, encourages confidence and creative skills.

The concepts for Modern Foreign languages at Stratford-sub-Castle CE Primary School are:

  • SPEAKING & LISTENING: speaking and listening in French
  • READING: reading individual words to sentences to paragraphs in French.
  • WRITING: writing individual words to sentences to paragraphs in French.
  • CULTURE: develop an awareness and appreciation of the French culture

Implementation: We have chosen to follow LCP Primary French scheme of work to support the planning and teaching of French.

Pupils are given the opportunity to engage in practical learning using concrete resources. They are encouraged to express their language acquisition among themselves.


  • Pupil Voice: Pupil engage and enjoy their learning about French.  Pupils engage well with their learning and keen to find out more French vocabulary and phrases.
  • Evidence in Knowledge and Skills: Pupils have a good knowledge of basic vocabulary of colours, numbers, months of the year.
  • Breadth and Depth: Teachers plan a range of opportunities for pupils to learn French including oral activities such as games and chants.

Modern Foreign Languages


SSC French Curriculum Map

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Date added: 22-01-2023
Date modified: 22-01-2023