Introduction and Overview
What is mental health?
“…. a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community”.
This definition from the World Health Organization suggests that good mental health is not simply the absence of illness but the ability to thrive.

At Stratford-sub-Castle school, we have a whole-school approach to emotional well-being. It underpins and supports the whole ethos of our school, which enables everyone to belong and everyone to achieve in our school community.
We have a caring and committed staff who support children’s emotional and social learning throughout their time at school. We support children throughout their school day; during lesson times, break times and through activities such as sport and extra-curricular activities. We also use targeted interventions across school to help support pupils.

We believe that behaviour is communication. Children cannot always communicate their feelings and emotions with words. Their behaviour helps us to recognise when children are having emotional and social difficulties.
Click below for activities and resources from Thrive to support emotional well-being.

Positive Mental Health