Fox Class

   Welcome to Fox Class!  

 We are the fabulous Year 6.  We look forward to an exciting year of learning, being independent learners and preparing ourselves for secondary school.

Our teacher is Mrs Wilson.  Our teaching assistant is Mrs Ray and Mrs Richards teaches Art on Tuesday. 

Term 5 Learning

   Our class read this term is Journey to the River Sea by Iva Ibbotson.


 We are continuing to read Wonder by RJ Palacio as our whole class read. 



The Stars Appeal have come into school where Fox Class have presented them with a cheque for £1705.00 from our Foxathon. Well done Fox Class!

Fox Class presenting their cheque to The Stars Appeal.


This term, we have learnt about different forces and carried out a number of science investigations including which surface creates the most friction and does the shape of an object effect water resistance.

We have also had a whole school science investigation looking at the question ‘Can people with longer legs jump further?’ Fox Class worked alongside Butterfly Class to help them measure their jumps. We collated the results from the whole school using Excel and found that the length of leg does not mean a person can jump further.

On the 25th April, Fox Class and Year 5 from Woodpecker Class attended the Anzac Day Service at St Lawrence’s Church. Each child lay flowers on each of the Australian and New Zealand Commonwealth War graves in remembrance of their service and sacrifice. The children then had the opportunity to talk to serving Australian soldiers which was very interesting.

Before half term, some of our year 6’s attended the cricket tournament at Wyvern St Edmund’s. Great team spirit was shown and a fun day was had by all. Well done!