Owl Class

Welcome to Owl Class!

We are in Year 1 & 2 and we love to learn. Our page tells you all about our learning this term, and all the exciting things we have been up to!

Our class teacher is Miss Kat Smith, and our teaching assistant is Mrs Tara Nicholson.

Mrs Emily Richards teaches in Owl Class every Monday.


Please click on this document to see our Curriculum Map and all the different subjects we will be learning this year. 

We are currently following Map A.

Our Class Author

During Term 5 and 6, we will be enjoying the works of author and illustrator Robert Starling.

He has illustrated many books and has created his own character stories too! We will be introduced to Fergal the dragon, and Super Sloth!

Whole Class Read

Each term, Owl Class read a chapter book alongside our author books, and any other story we choose to enjoy!

In Term 5 and 6, we will be reading The Boy Who Grew Dragons, a popular series by author Andy Shepherd.

This term, we are going to be working on our drawing skills during our topic Imaginary Worlds. We will be using mythical creatures to begin our drawing journey.

Home Learning

Pupils in Year 1 and 2 are expected to complete reading 5 times a week, and they are given Purple Home Learning books to practise age-appropriate spellings and Maths facts.

Please see the documents below for your termly home learning work. Remember to also use Numbots to practise your Maths facts!

Year 1 Maths Autumn Home Learning Sheet

Year 1 Maths Spring Home Learning Sheet

Year 2 Maths Autumn Home Learning Sheet

Year 2 Maths Spring Home Learning Sheet




Term 5

Katie is our chaplain from The Bridge Project, and she came to talk to us about the Holy Trinity and what this means to Christians. We learnt about the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We created our own Trinity dances, and we made Trinity hearts by winding three different colours of pipe cleaners together. This reminds us the God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one and the same.

In Maths, we have been learning about mass, capacity and temperature. We’ve had lots of fun estimating different measures and using standard and non-standards units to find results.

Term 4

Near the end of term, we had an RE topic day. The theme of this day was The Cross and Easter. Reverend Joe Stone came to talk to us about the Easter story and how important it is to Christians. We decorated our own Taxila Cross, which originated in Pakistan. Finally, in the afternoon we visited St Lawrence Church where we talked about why Jesus died on the cross, and we made our own Easter gardens. It was a fantastic day!

BOOK WEEK! We used the book “Interview with a Tiger” by Andy Seed to write our own animal interviews. We enjoyed coming up with questions to ask the animals (they actually visited our class!), pretending we were different animals and being interviewed ourselves, and giving these animals new and interesting personalities. The interviews we wrote are amazing! You need to come to our classroom to see them all!

In PE, we have been working on invasion games. We have been learning about attack and defense, and how to work together as a team.

Term 3

Our topic for Science this term is Materials. We have been exploring different materials and their properties.

We tested different materials to see which were transparent, translucent or opaque.

We are learning about Digital Photography in Computing. Below are three photographs we took for the following criteria: a selfie, an action shot, and a long-distance object. Can you tell which is which?

Our collaging skills are really improving! We had to choose our own materials to collage and create Georgia O’Keeffe inspired flowers.

We conducted an absorbency test. We chose how many ml of water we would hold different materials in for 10 seconds to see how much water was absorbed. We measured the water afterwards and found out that pompoms are very absorbent!

In PSHE we have been setting ourselves goals to achieve and learning how to work well with others. We had to work in groups to make a bird model. We had to share out the roles equally and communicate with each other.

Our photography skills are really improving! We’ve been practising how to frame photos correctly, using different subject matter. In partners, we’ve discussed why a photo is good and how it can be improved.

Term 2

In Geography, we have been learning about the UK. We have used maps to locate the countries within the UK and their capital cities, as well as the surrounding seas. We have discussed the human and physical features of different places around the UK. 

We have become expert Geographers!

In Computing, we are learning about robot algorithms. This is the code that you input to control a robot. We pretended to be robots and our partners had to direct us with very simple, clear instructions to get us from one place to another. We bumped into things when the instructions didn’t work!

This term, we have been practising our sewing skills in preparation for our Design and Technology project. We have been practising completing a running stitch.

The Bridge Project visited us!

We learnt all about Advent and the candles that are lit around the wreath – Hope, Peace, Joy, Love and finally the Christ candle at Christmas. We linked each candle with a part of the Nativity story.

Our Computing skills are improving and we have learnt how to write our own algorithms for paper Beebots! We created our own paths for them to move around a mat, from one picture to another.

Our partner had to predict where would they would end up and then test the algorithm to see if they were right!

We have been working really hard to improve our writing skills this term. Part of improving our writing is reading it back and editing it. We have been working with a partner to do this, and it helps to read your work aloud to someone else. We can also support each other with spellings and when we might have missed our punctuation!

Our Nativity peformance of "Hey Ewe"!

We had so much fun learning and performing the Nativity! We think we did a great job with speaking our lines and singing the songs. We hope you enjoyed it too!

Look at our incredible Christmas decorations!

This was the final product of our Design and Technology project. We designed and made our own Christmas decorations, using running stitch and sewing on simple embellishments.

We are very proud of them!

Term 1

In Art this term, our focus artist is Eric Carle, the author and illustrator of The Hungry Caterpillar, The Bad-Tempered Ladybird and other well-known stories. We will be exploring his style through printing, textures and the creation of our own bugs!

In History, we are learning about Old Sarum. We have been ordering events chronologically to try and understand just how long ago there was an Iron Age hill fort on Old Sarum. It was there around 400BC!

In Computing this term, we are learning about Information Technology and its uses in school and at home. We have been discussing the different purposes that devices have.

Our trip to Old Sarum was brilliant! It gave us a hands-on experience of the history we had already learnt so much about. We could point out the parts of a motte-and-bailey castle, and could see the development of how the cathedral was built. The walk there and back did tire us out though!

Our Bug Creations

We are so proud of the final products from our bug project! We used glue guns to stick the parts of our insects together, and we used different materials to create the features. 

Maths Topic Day

Miss Crook designed our topic day with the theme ‘Nature in Maths’. We completed lots of practical activities. We measured sticks, and used them as our own unit of measurement to measure other objects. We collected lots of natural objects, such as leaves and twigs, and used these to create our own patterns. We then explored symmetry but cutting leaves and using observational drawing to complete the other half. We love Maths!